The environmental push needs to be a top concern for the Charlotte Bobcats and Uptown Charlotte, as it is a major concern for everyone in our world. Without a clean environment, athletes can not perform at high levels. Humans need clean air and water, plenty of healthy food options to stay fit and active, and clean playgrounds and parks for our children that are not filled with liter and trash.
Everyone needs to live smart and sustainable lives, so the Bobcats should take this opportunity to promote green living, healthy humans, and preservation of our planet.
Everyone needs to live smart and sustainable lives, so the Bobcats should take this opportunity to promote green living, healthy humans, and preservation of our planet.
The NRDC has a helpful website that offers suggestions to all NBA teams on smart ways to improve the environment, such as using public transportation, recycling after games, or saving money and energy by installing solar panels around the outside of the stadium.
Many teams in the sports industry are in alliance with the GSA (Green Sports Alliance). What are the Bobcats waiting on?